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Slot: dependsOn

A list of resolvable links to Gaia-X Credentials of service offerings related to the service and that can exist independently of it.

URI: gx:dependsOn

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
ObjectStorageServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering object storage capabilitie... no
ContainerServiceOffering A digital service available for order and providing containers no
BareMetalServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering bare metal computational c... no
ComputeFunctionServiceOffering A digital service available for order and providing compute functions capabil... no
DataProduct no
InterconnectionServiceOffering TBD no
ServiceOffering A digital service available for order no
LinkConnectivityServiceOffering TBD no
ConnectivityServiceOffering Connectivity Infrastructure services are made out of Physical, Link and Netwo... no
FileStorageServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering file storage capabilities no
PhysicalConnectivityServiceOffering TBD no
BlockStorageServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering block storage capabilities no
NetworkConnectivityServiceOffering TBD no
ComputeServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering computational capabilities no
InfrastructureServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering computational, storage and... no
VirtualMachineServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering computational capabilities no
StorageServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering storage capabilities no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: dependsOn
description: A list of resolvable links to Gaia-X Credentials of service offerings
  related to the service and that can exist independently of it.
title: depends on
alias: dependsOn
- ServiceOffering
range: ServiceOffering
multivalued: true