Slot: license
A list of SPDX identifiers or URL to document.
URI: gx:license
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
VMImage | Image for virtual machines | no |
SoftwareResource | A Gaia-X Virtual Resource describing an executable program | no |
Hypervisor | A special Gaia-X Software Resource describing a hypervisor to provided virtua... | no |
PXEImage | PXE image for physical machines | no |
OperatingSystem | A special Gaia-X Software Resource describing an operating system | no |
Image | A software piece that can be executed by a virtual or bare metal Compute serv... | no |
VirtualInterconnectionPointIdentifier | TBD | no |
DataResource | A dataset exposed through a service instance | no |
ContainerImage | Image available for containers | no |
VirtualResource | It represents static data in any form and necessary information such as datas... | no |
CodeArtifact | A piece of software that can be executed by a Compute service | no |
ComputeFunctionTemplate | Class for describing a template of compute function | no |
Range: xsd:string or
xsd:anyURI -
Multivalued: True
Required: True
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
LinkML Source
name: license
description: A list of SPDX identifiers or URL to document.
alias: license
- VirtualResource
range: string
required: true
multivalued: true
- range: SPDX
- range: uri