Slot: manufacturedBy
A list of resolvable links to Gaia-X Credentials of participant manufacturing the resource.
URI: gx:manufacturedBy
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
PointOfPresence | Point of connection between separate communicating entities | no |
PhysicalResource | A Physical resource is, but not limited to, a datacenter, a bare-metal servic... | no |
PhysicalInterconnectionPointIdentifier | TBD | no |
Datacenter | A datacenter is an aggregation of availability zones | no |
InternetExchangePoint | Physical infrastructure allowing participants to interconnect their networks ... | no |
Range: LegalPerson
Multivalued: True
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
LinkML Source
name: manufacturedBy
description: A list of resolvable links to Gaia-X Credentials of participant manufacturing
the resource.
title: manufactured by
alias: manufacturedBy
- PhysicalResource
range: LegalPerson
multivalued: true