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Slot: quantityValue

is the measurement of an observable property of a particular object, event, or physical system.

URI: qudt:quantityValue

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
RetentionDuration Sub-class of Time with units relevant for retention durations no
Frequency no
SLATargetPercentile Percentage of frames the SLA metrics can be guaranteed no
DataRate no
LostPackets Percentage of lost packets compared to the total number of exchanged packets no
QuantityKind A Quantity Kind is any observable property that can be measured and quantifie... no
MemorySize The number of bytes, that can be stored on a digital storage no
Time no
Power no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: quantityValue
description: is the measurement of an observable property of a particular object,
  event, or physical system.
slot_uri: qudt:quantityValue
alias: quantityValue
- QuantityKind
range: float
required: true