Slot: subOrganisationOf
A list of resolvable links to Gaia-X Credentials of participants with a legal mandate on this entity, e.g., as a subsidiary.
URI: gx:subOrganisationOf
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
DataLicensor | is equivalent to Gaia-X Licensor | no |
DataProvider | is equivalent to Gaia-X Provider | no |
Federator | is equivalent to Gaia-X Federator | no |
DataConsumer | is equivalent to Gaia-X Consumer | no |
LegalPerson | A legal person, who is uniquely identified by its registration number | no |
InternetServiceProvider | Organization providing internet access and related services | no |
DataProducer | is equivalent to Gaia-X ResourceOwner | no |
Range: LegalPerson
Multivalued: True
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
LinkML Source
name: subOrganisationOf
description: A list of resolvable links to Gaia-X Credentials of participants with
a legal mandate on this entity, e.g., as a subsidiary.
alias: subOrganisationOf
- LegalPerson
range: LegalPerson
multivalued: true