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Slot: tenantSeparation

How compute resources of different tenants are separated. Default value = hw-virtualized.

URI: gx:tenantSeparation

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
ContainerServiceOffering A digital service available for order and providing containers no
BareMetalServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering bare metal computational c... no
ComputeFunctionServiceOffering A digital service available for order and providing compute functions capabil... no
InterconnectionServiceOffering TBD no
NetworkConnectivityServiceOffering TBD yes
ComputeServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering computational capabilities no
VirtualMachineServiceOffering A digital service available for order and offering computational capabilities no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: tenantSeparation
description: How compute resources of different tenants are separated. Default value
  = hw-virtualized.
title: tenant separation
alias: tenantSeparation
- ComputeServiceOffering
- NetworkConnectivityServiceOffering
range: TenantSeparation