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10. Services and Resources - Mandatory attributes

The following defines the mandatory attributes to be provided in the Gaia-X Credentials to describe Services and Resources.

10.1 Service & Subclasses

10.1.1 Service offering

This is the generic format for all service offerings:

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
providedBy 1 Gaia-X Registry a resolvable link to the participant self-description providing the service
termsAndConditions[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry a resolvable link to the Terms and Conditions applying to that service.
policy[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry a list of policy expressed using a DSL (e.g., Rego or ODRL) (access control, throttling, usage, retention, …)
dataAccountExport[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry list of methods to export data from your user’s account out of the service

termsAndConditions structure

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
URL 1 Gaia-X Registry a resolvable link to document
hash 1 Gaia-X Registry sha256 hash of the above document.

dataAccountExport structure

The purpose is to enable the participant ordering the service to assess the feasibility of exporting its personal and non-personal data out of the service.
This export shall cover account data e.g., account holder’s billing information, information on the PII held - but also data provided previously to the service by the user.

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
requestType 1 Gaia-X Registry the mean to request data retrieval: API, email, webform,
unregisteredLetter, registeredLetter, supportCenter
accessType 1 Gaia-X Registry type of data support: digital, physical
formatType 1 Gaia-X Registry type of Media Types (formerly known as MIME types) as defined by the IANA.

Consistency rules

  • the keys used to sign a SERVICE OFFERING description and the providedBy PARTICIPANT description should be from the same keychain.

10.1.2 Service Instance / Instantiated Virtual Resource

An Instantiated Virtual resource is a running resource exposing endpoints such as, and not limited to, a running process, an online API, a network connection, a virtual machine, a container, an operating system.

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
maintainedBy[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry a list of participant maintaining the resource in operational condition.
hostedOn 1 Gaia-X Registry a resource where the process is located (physical server, datacenter, availability zone, …).
instanceOf 1 Gaia-X Registry a virtual resource (normally a software resource) this process is an instance of.
tenantOwnedBy[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry a list of participant with contractual relation with the resource.
serviceAccessPoint[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry a list of Service Access Point which can be an endpoint as a mean to access and interact with the resource

10.2 Resource & Subclasses

10.2.1 Physical Resource

A Physical resource is, but is not limited to, a datacenter, a bare-metal service, a warehouse, or a plant. Those are entities that have a weight and position in physical space.

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
maintainedBy[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry a list of participant maintaining the resource in operational condition and thus having physical access to it.
locationAddress[].countryCode 1..* Gaia-X Registry a list of physical locations in ISO 3166-2 alpha2, alpha-3 or numeric format.


The following attribute has to be linked to a service offering, physical resource or legal person.
The aim of the attribute is to allow a customer more educated and transparent decisions regarding the environmental impact.

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
environmentalImpactReport 1 ownedBy or providedBy a resolvable link to an environmental impact report of the Provider or a link to a public database listing the organisation as a signatory of a public engagement to reach Climate Neutrality by 2030 (e.g. Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact - signatories).

10.2.2 Virtual Resource

A Virtual resource is a resource describing recorded information such as, but not limited to, a dataset, software, a configuration file, and an AI model.

Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
copyrightOwnedBy[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry A list of copyright owners either as a free-form string or participant URIs from which Self-Descriptions can be retrieved. A copyright owner is a person or organization that has the right to exploit the resource. The copyright owner does not necessarily refer to the author of the resource, who is a natural person and may differ from the copyright owner.
license[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry A list of SPDX identifiers or URL to document
policy[] 1..* Gaia-X Registry a list of policy expressed using a DSL (e.g., Rego or ODRL) (access control, throttling, usage, retention, …)

The license refers to the license of the virtual resource - data or software, not the license of a potential instance of that virtual resource.

If there are no specified usage policy constraints on the VirtualResource, the policy should express a simple default: allow intent.

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