4. Trust Anchors
The Gaia-X Compliance Service is using the same principles of Issuer / Holder / Verifier / Verifiable Data Registry as in the Verifiable Credential model.
The Gaia-X Compliance Service verifies:
- that the issued claims are conformant to the format specified in this document
- that the issuers of the information are properly registered in the Verifiable Data Registry aka Gaia-X Registry
- that the provided information is consistent
In this model, the Issuers aka Trust Anchors can be either:
- the entity in direct control of the Trusted Data Source
- an entity recognized by Gaia-X, also known as Notary, to translate Trusted Data Sources on behalf of the entity managing the Trusted Data Source into Verifiable Credentials.
Trust Anchors are entities endorsed by Gaia-X. Trust Anchors shall underpin claims by Participants. Consequently, Trust Anchors shall facilitate the processing of claims by Participants as Trust Anchors will - subject to their fair and transparent procedures - affirm the necessary trust in otherwise mere self-declared statements. Trust Anchors may underpin any aspects, whilst Gaia-X will only be interested in those aspects relating to criteria relevant either for the Trust Framework or the Gaia-X Labelling.
To be compliant with the Gaia-X Trust Framework, all keypairs used to sign claims must have at least one of the Trust Anchors in their certificate chain.
At any point in time, the list of valid Trust Anchors is stored in the Gaia-X Registry.
4.1 List of defined Trust Anchors
Name | Defined as |
State | The Trust Service Providers (TSP) must be a state validated identity issuers or EV SSL issuers. - For participant , if the legalAddress.country is in EEA, valid state identity issuers are eiDAS ones. - Gaia-X Association may also be a valid TSP for Gaia-X Association members. |
eiDAS | Issuers of Qualified Certificate for Electronic Signature as defined in eIDAS Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 (homepage: https://esignature.ec.europa.eu/efda/tl-browser/#/screen/home) (machine: https://ec.europa.eu/tools/lotl/eu-lotl.xml) |
EV SSL | Extended Validation (EV) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate issuers are considered to be temporarily valid Trust Service Providers. (homepage: https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Included_Certificates) (machine: https://ccadb-public.secure.force.com/mozilla/IncludedCACertificateReportPEMCSV) |
registrationNumberIssuer | During the pilot phase, the Gaia-X Association nominated itself as a valid Trust Anchor under https://notary.gaia-x.eu |
4.2 List of Trusted Data Sources
4.2.1 For registrationNumberIssuer’s Trust Anchors
For a given attribute, the Trust Anchor shall use the following Trusted Data Source:
: the European Commission API.leiCode
: the Global Legal Entity Identifier (GLEIF) APIlocal
: the OpenCorporate API- the returned claim will also contains information about
- the returned claim will also contains information about
: for the European member states or North Ireland, the VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) API- the returned claim will also contains information about
- the returned claim will also contains information about
4.3 Trust Anchors registration
actor issuer as Notar
actor gx as Gaia-X
participant vrd as Gaia-X Registry
issuer ->> gx: submit application to be a Trust Anchor<br> for specified attributes
gx ->> gx: verify application using Gaia-X certification schema
option acceptance
gx ->> vrd: register applicant as a Trust Anchor<br> for the specified attributes
gx ->> issuer: accept application
option rejection
gx ->> issuer: deny application
Gaia-X Trust Anchors will be appointed following a due process based on objective criteria (Gaia-X certification schema). The Gaia-X certification schema will be defined as soon as possible. Until the Gaia-X certification schema is being established, Gaia-X may appoint Trust Anchors on a case by case basis following transparent criteria and processes.
4.4 Trust Anchors usage
participant wallet as Wallet
actor holder as Participant
actor issuer as Notar<br>(Trust Anchor)
actor cab as Trusted Data Source
holder ->> issuer: send unsigned claim to be verified<br> or request signed claim
Note over issuer: The notar acts as a proxy when the Trusted Data Source<br> cannot directly issues Verifiable Crendentials (VC)
critical Part of the Gaia-X certification schema
issuer ->> cab: performs automatic or manual checks<br>
option acceptance
cab ->> issuer: confirms the claims are legit
issuer ->> holder: signs and emit a VC
Note over wallet: The wallet can be self-deployed or managed,<br>onprem or remote, hardware or software.
holder ->> wallet: store VC inside a wallet
option rejection
cab ->> issuer: claims cannot be verified
issuer ->> holder: return an error
4.5 Compliance verification
participant wallet as Wallet
actor holder as Participant
participant verifier as Gaia-X Compliance
participant vrd as Gaia-X Registry
holder ->> wallet: fetch VC from its wallet
wallet ->> holder: format a Verifiable Presentation (VP)
holder ->> verifier: present the VP
alt Perform compliance checks
Note over verifier: Not all checks are described here
loop For each Verifiable Claim in the VP
verifier ->> vrd: check if the VC issuer is trusted.<br>(ie the issuer a Trust Anchor or can be<br> cryptographycally associated with one.)
vrd -->> verifier:
else All tests are passed
verifier ->> holder: issues a new VC<br>(This is a Gaia-X Compliance VC)
Note over wallet: The wallet can be self-deployed or managed,<br>onprem or remote, hardware or software.
holder ->> wallet: store VC inside a wallet
else At least one test failed
verifier ->> holder: returns an error