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4. TrustAnchor Credential

The Trust Anchor Credential is based on the Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 and has the purpose to provide a machine-readable representation of the accreditation of a Trust Anchor for a specific scope. This credential enables the usage of Party Credentials, described later in this chapter, by defining their accredited issuers. Furthermore, the Trust Anchor credential supports the cooperation and interoperability between organization/ecosystems/data spaces, by easing the use of external Trust Anchors.

The TrustAnchorCredential mainly defines:

  • The Scope within which the Trust Anchor is accredited (within which the issued credentials are considered valid).
  • The TrustedIssuer entitled to issue Credentials in the above Scope
  • The Vocabularies (expressed in SHACL) that semantically define the Credentials which can be issued by the TrustedIssuer in the defined Scope.
  • The Trusted List used to check DIDs issued by the Trust Anchor.

The Trust Anchor Credential is defined by the following attributes:

Attribute Type.Value/Voc Mandatory Comment
gx:scopeDescription String No A description of the scope of the Trust Anchor
gx:trustIssuer DID Yes A resolvable link to the holder verificationMethod to be used to uniquely identify ONE and ONLY key pair
gx:vocabularies URI[] No A list of URIs pointing to the vocabularies (SHACL) semantically describing the Trust Anchor’s scope
gx:trustedListKind KindOfTrustedList No Which kind of implementation of the trusted list is used to check DID issued by Trust Anchors
gx:trustedListEndpoint URI No The address of the above trusted list

The KindOfTrustedList type defines the list of the identified implementations of Trusted Lists:

  • Gaia-X Trusted List Generic REST API Specification
  • Gaia-X IPFS (with ETSI TS 119 612 format)
  • EBSI
  • (other possible implementations)

Important Note The Gaia-X Trusted List Generic REST API Specification is meant to be a simple API contract that for a given DID can return true if it is still valid. This will be very useful to enable integration of any custom trusted list not included in the defined list.

5. Party Credential

The Party Credential is based upon the Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 and is the basement for all IAA Parties such as Natural Persons , Services, Legal Persons, etc. The general purpose party credential is intended to be extended into specialized Credentials (see Party Credential Specializations)

The Party Credential is defined by the following attributes:

Attribute Type.Value/Voc Mandatory Comment
gx:holder URI Yes A resolvable link to the holder verificationMethod to be used to uniquely identify ONE and ONLY key pair
odrl:hasPolicy policy[] in ODRL No A list of policy expressed using ODRL
gx:identityAttributes String[] No A list of literals representing Identity Attributes to be used in a ABAC context
gx:identityRoles String[] No A list of literals representing Identity Roles to be used in a RBAC context
gx:parentPartyCredential URI Yes if is delegated by another existing Party Credential A resolvable link to the parent Party Credential where the gx:holder MUST be equal to the signer(issuer verificationMethod) of this credential


The must identify the DID Document that contains the verificationMethod (keypair) referenced by gx:holder property that belong to/is controlled by the Credential Holder. With this solution, the PartyCredential VC can be either publicly published in case it contains no sensitive data or kept private in case it contains PII - Personal Identifiable Information.

5.1 Private Party Credential

The Party Credentials containing PII are not considered to be published and reachable via their id to everybody, instead, they are intended to be stored in secure storage such as a wallet, secure storage device, secure vault storage, etc. An example of this type of credential is the NaturalPersonCredential, issued by a Legal Participant to one of his users/employees, with the purpose to entitle a Natural Person to interact with Relying Parties(RP) in a certain context This credential contains Name, Surname, identityAttributes, Roles, etc. and MUST NOT be published as Public Party Credentials (see later in this section) are. “Selective disclosure” during interaction with RP can be considered.

5.1.1 Private Party Credential Example

The following NaturalPersonPartyCredential example represents the scenario where the Participant is issuing a credential that asserts several claims (givenName, surname, idRoles etc). This Credential is not published (the id is not public) and must be stored in the wallet of the holder.

Note that the gx:holder property is a did:key referencing a keypair owned by the Holder that identifies the public key of the target wallet.

  "@context": [
  "id": "",
  "type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
  "issuer": "",
  "validFrom": "2023-08-28T23:00:00Z",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:key:z4MXj1wBzi9jUstyPMS4jQqB6KdJaiatPkAtVtGc6bQEQEEsKTic4G7Rou3iBf9vPmT5dbkm9qsZsuVNjq8HCuW1w24nhBFGkRE4cd2Uf2tfrB3N7h4mnyPp1BF3ZttHTYv3DLUPi1zMdkULiow3M1GfXkoC6DoxDUm1jmN6GBj22SjVsr6dxezRVQc7aj9TxE7JLbMH1wh5X3kA58H3DFW8rnYMakFGbca5CB2Jf6CnGQZmL7o5uJAdTwXfy2iiiyPxXEGerMhHwhjTA1mKYobyk2CpeEcmvynADfNZ5MBvcCS7m3XkFCMNUYBS9NQ3fze6vMSUPsNa6GVYmKx2x6JrdEjCk3qRMMmyjnjCMfR4pXbRMZa3i",
    "type": "gx:NaturalPersonPartyCredential",
    "odrl:hasPolicy": [],
    "gx:holder": "did:key:z4MXj1wBzi9jUstyPMS4jQqB6KdJaiatPkAtVtGc6bQEQEEsKTic4G7Rou3iBf9vPmT5dbkm9qsZsuVNjq8HCuW1w24nhBFGkRE4cd2Uf2tfrB3N7h4mnyPp1BF3ZttHTYv3DLUPi1zMdkULiow3M1GfXkoC6DoxDUm1jmN6GBj22SjVsr6dxezRVQc7aj9TxE7JLbMH1wh5X3kA58H3DFW8rnYMakFGbca5CB2Jf6CnGQZmL7o5uJAdTwXfy2iiiyPxXEGerMhHwhjTA1mKYobyk2CpeEcmvynADfNZ5MBvcCS7m3XkFCMNUYBS9NQ3fze6vMSUPsNa6GVYmKx2x6JrdEjCk3qRMMmyjnjCMfR4pXbRMZa3i",
    "gx:identityAttributes": ["IdAttributeOne","IdAttributeTwo"],
    "gx:identityRoles": ["IdRoleOne","IdRoleTwo"],
    "gx:givenName": "John",
    "gx:surname": "Doe"
  "credentialStatus": [{
    "id": "",
    "type": "BitstringStatusListEntry",
    "statusPurpose": "revocation",
    "statusListIndex": "94567",
    "statusListCredential": ""
    "id": "",
    "type": "BitstringStatusListEntry",
    "statusPurpose": "suspension",
    "statusListIndex": "23452",
    "statusListCredential": ""
  "proof": {
    "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
    "created": "2023-08-28T13:25:35.827Z",
    "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
    "verificationMethod": "",
    "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..Sq5VJHCFuIP-cC86EknRnB91WQxNI5X4QtI0mMR3Xzl8VY5bYfOAtpEsejYeDUbi3Oed0VwQBRCqd11HL7NFF-KH02D9I97nHBftBaXo8e0uWQTRk6TA8xq9oQRuNdnm15eR2zudOzKlH4ArXcBo-hUxUH6EH7YimT0Uu5NbsofN-5C2ovksogbugl-NkW3MKrGkAYzsyaEcgh-vSiRwSl4vwE55sDkn16QgMtsccwo9PR0kzECHp8KQZTM3Nwnv4jNN-F3zP-3Vn0B-cm-UgHPz1RYX6uKrc3A4TlJvk9rxQNfLbNot8ZaQBPoLMnd98bV6giNaGIbekVOUuBxUKg"

5.2 Public Party Credential

The Party Credential contains data that can be publicly accessed and queried.

6. Party Credential Lifecycle

  • expired if the expiration datetime is older than the current datetime or the certificate containing the key used to sign the claim has expired.
  • revoked
  • if the key used to sign the array is revoked.
  • if the credentialStatus has the statusPurpose property set to “revocation” and the value of status at position credentialIndex is true
  • suspended if the credentialStatus has the statusPurpose property set to “suspension” and the value of status at position credentialIndex is true
  • deprecated if another verifiable credential with the same identifier and the same signature issuer has a newer issuance datetime.
  • active only if none of the above.

7. Party Credential Status

Verifiable Credentials are a fundamental component of secure data and identity systems, enabling the issuance and presentation of trustworthy and tamper-proof credentials. However, in dynamic and evolving environments, it is crucial to establish mechanisms for the timely revocation or suspension of these credentials in case of compromised or outdated information.

The use of Credential Status Lists (CSL), specifically the W3C Verifiable Credentials Bitstring Status List, addresses this need by providing a standardized approach to manage and communicate the revocation status of verifiable Credentials.

When a Verifiable Credential is issued, the issuer has the option to embed a reference to the Credential Status List (CSL) entry associated with the credential. This reference, often in the form of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), enables relying parties (commonly verifiers) to promptly determine the current status of the credential’s validity.

To validate the Verifiable Credential, the relying party retrieves the referenced Credential Status List entry using the provided URI. This entry contains information about the status of the credential, allowing to check if the credential is still valid, has been revoked/suspended, or has any other relevant status.

Relying parties can periodically update their local copy of the Credential Status List from trusted sources to ensure they possess the most current revocation status information. This practice prevents reliance on outdated or incorrect information, enhancing the overall security of the ecosystem.

  "@context": [
  "id": "",
  "type": ["VerifiableCredential", "BitstringStatusListCredential"],
  "issuer": "",
  "issued": "2021-04-05T14:27:40Z",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "",
    "type": "BitstringStatusList",
    "statusPurpose": "revocation",
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