4. Services & Resources

Here is the main model for service composition, also included in the Gaia-X Architecture document.

A Service Offering can be associated with other Service Offerings.

classDiagram ServiceOffering o-- Resource: aggregationOf Resource o-- Resource: aggregationOf class Resource{ <<abstract>> } Resource <|-- "subClassOf" PhysicalResource: Resource <|-- "subClassOf" VirtualResource VirtualResource <|-- "subClassOf" InstantiatedVirtualResource ServiceOffering "1" ..> "1" Participant : providedBy PhysicalResource "1" ..> "0..*" Participant : ownedBy PhysicalResource "1" ..> "0..*" Participant : manufacturedBy PhysicalResource "1" ..> "1..*" Participant : maintainedBy VirtualResource "1" ..> "1..*" Participant : copyrightOwnedBy InstantiatedVirtualResource --> "1" Resource : hostedOn InstantiatedVirtualResource <..> ServiceInstance : equivalent to InstantiatedVirtualResource "1" ..> "1..*" Participant : tenantOwnedBy InstantiatedVirtualResource "1" ..> "1..*" Participant : maintainedBy

4.1 Service offering

This is the generic format for all service offerings

Version Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
1.0 providedBy 1 State a resolvable link to the participant self-description providing the service
1.0 aggregationOf[] 0..* State a resolvable link to the resources self-description related to the service and that can exist independently of it.
1.0 termsAndConditions[] 1..* State a resolvable link to the Terms and Conditions appling to that service.
1.1 policies[] 0..* State a list of policy expressed using a DSL (e.g., Rego or ODRL)
1.x gdpr 0..1 see below Specific attributes for the General Data Protection Regulation.
1.x lgpd 0..1 see below Specific attributes for the General Personal Data Protection Law. (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais)
1.x pdpa 0..1 see below Specific attributes for the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.

TermsAndConditions structure

Version Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
1.0 URL 1 State a resolvable link to document
1.0 hash 1 State sha256 hash of the above document.

Consistency rules

  • gdpr attributes are mandatory when the service is provided in EEA or when the providedBy participant is located in EEA.
  • lgpd attributes are mandatory when the service is provided in Brazil or when the providedBy participant is located in Brazil.
  • pdpa attributes are mandatory when the service is provided in Singapore or when the providedBy participant is located in Singapore.

4.1.1 GDPR

Version Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
x.x to_be_defined 1 State, EDPB CoC mandatory public information as defined in GDPR

4.1.2 LDPR

Version Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
x.x to_be_defined 1 to be defined mandatory public information as defined in LDPR

4.1.3 PDPA

Version Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
x.x to_be_defined 1 to be defined mandatory public information as defined in PDPA

Addition specific criteria per Service Offering are described in the next section.

4.2 Resource

A resource aggregates with Service Offering.

Version Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
1.0 aggregationOf[] 0..* State resources related to the resource and that can exist independently of it.

4.2.1 Physical Resource

A Physical Resouce inherits from a Resource.
A Physical resource is, and not limited to, a datacenter, a baremetal service, a warehouse, a plant. Those are entities that have a weigth and position in our space.

Version Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
1.0 maintainedBy[] 1..* State a list of participant maintaining the resource in operational condition and thus have physical access to it.
1.0 ownedBy[] 0..* State a list of participant owning the resource.
1.0 manufacturedBy[] 0..* State a list of participant manufacturing the resource.
1.0 locationAddress[].country 1..* State a list of physical location in ISO 3166-1 alpha2, alpha-3 or numeric format.
1.0 location[].gps 0..* State a list of physical GPS in ISO 6709:2008/Cor 1:2009 format.

4.2.2 Virtual Resource

A Virtual Resource inherits from a Resource.
A Virtual resource is a resource describing recorded information such as, and not limited to, a dataset, a software, a configuration file, an AI model.

Version Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
1.0 copyrightOwnedBy[] 1..* State A list of copyright owner either as a free form string or participant self-description. A copyright owner is a person or organization, that has the right to exploit the resource. Copyright owner does not necessary refer to the author of the resource, who is a natural person and may differ from copyright owner.
1.0 license[] 1..* State A list of SPDX license identifiers or URL to license document

4.2.3 Instantiated Virtual Resource

An Instantiated Virtual Resource inherits from a Virtual Resource.
An Instantiated Virtual resource is a running resource exposing endpoints such as, and not limited to, a running process, an online API, a network connection, a virtual machine, a container, an operating system.

Version Attribute Card. Trust Anchor Comment
1.0 maintainedBy[] 1..* State a list of participant maintaining the resource in operational condition.
1.0 hostedOn 1 State a resource where the process is running, being executed on.
1.0 tenantOwnedBy[] 1..* State a list of participant with contractual relation with the resource.
1.x endpoint[] 1..* State a list of exposed endpoints as defined in ISO/IEC TR 23188:2020